Self learning the power of Stastitics in the form of Machine Learning, Rahul Gulia graduated from University of Delhi as a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with minor in Mathematics in October 2020. Developing an Analytical mind, He spends most of his time learning how to build a bridge between an idea and production. Currently, He’s active as a Ms. Computer Science student in South Asian University and currently involved with :
Wrapped up the 10th Pos in a comptetition hosted on Zindi. Estimated the growth stage (from scale of 1 - 7) of a wheat crop based on an image which will be used in Picture-based insurance (PBI) that provides insurance for any damage events
A detailed analysis for a community driven datascience talk show CTDS. Wrapped up 1st and 3rd Post in Story telling and OVerall Comeptition
Leveraging the power of Deep-learning, deployed a Flask based Web application successfully capable of identifying the type of pulse with 98% accuracy on validation dataset.
Used computer vision and deep learning techniques to solve a novel problem of Melanoma Skin Cancer Detection which is responsible for 75% of skin cancer deaths
Designed and deployed a Web App that can solve a Sudoku printed on any background using artificial intelligence.
Working in Automotive Domain, tackling with a problem set related to Traffic Jams
Organized tech talks, workshops and worked wtih department faculty to spread tech environment in the Department. Mentored more than 20 students in Machine Learning and AI